Monday, 16 September 2013


Hi Guys! I want to start this post by apologising about my lack of posts recently. My camera broke then I had laptop issues! My camera still isn't working so I am going to continue using my Iphone - so please excuse the quality of my pictures at the moment!

I popped into town yesterday. I was trying to think of brands that I can get hold of in my small town that I haven't used before. This is what brought me to LUSH. Although I have popped into LUSH before I haven't ever bought myself anything, to be honest the only things I have purchased in there have been their £5.00 secret Santa giftsets for presents!

When I went into LUSH I was immediately approached by one of the sales assistants. She was so nice and she started chatting away before asking me what I was looking for. I told her I wanted to try one of their fresh face masks, she then asked me what type of skin I had after explaining that I have dry skin she advised that their OATIFIX face mask would be the best for my skin. She put some on my hand before washing it off with warm water.
I then noticed their make-up, being honest I didn't know that LUSH sold make-up. The sales assistant went through some of the colours with me and explained that each colour is named by a positive word. She asked me to look at all of the colours and choose one which stands out to me the most, I said the liquid lipstick in DECISIVE, this is a lovely pin-up girl red. 

When I went to the till to buy the OATIFIX face mask, the store assistant very kindly gave me the DECISIVE liquid lipstick and she also gave me a sample of their 9-5 face cleanser. 

Overall I had a great experience in LUSH and I am looking forward to trying these products to learn more about the brand. 
