Friday, 11 December 2015

Baking | Reindeer Biscuits

Good Evening! 

So I decided to do a bit of a different blog post today, one that doesn't involve beauty....I know bizarre right, but I have really been enjoying reading more lifestyle type of blog posts recently like Hannah Maggs, who does beautiful posts about her son Grayson. 

So when I was doing a bit of baking with my daughter the other day I decided to get the lights and camera out and take some pictures. I generally dislike baking with a 3 year old as it's normally messy and what your trying to make usually comes out nothing like you intended! I decided to try and relax and just let her make as much mess as she wanted....and it ended up being a lot of fun and after some slight modifications to the icing when she had gone to bed - they didn't look bad at all!

We just used a standard biscuit recipe as my daughter is extremely fussy and doesn't like gingerbread...or anything that's not plain really! 


  • Flour 300g
  • Butter 250g (softened)
  • Caster sugar 140g 
  • 1 Egg Yolk
  • 2 Tsp Vanilla extract

These are so simple to make - 

Mix the butter and the sugar. Add the egg yolk and vanilla extract and beat to combine. Sift in the flour. Get your hands in there and combine it all together. I then put it into the fridge for 30mins or so. 

I didn't want to have to go out and buy Christmas cookie cutters especially for this so I found a clever trick on-line, upside down gingerbread man cookie cutters = reindeer 


1 comment:

  1. What a sweet little love! Baking with little ones makes such a fine and beautiful tradition! Oh btw great trick with the upside down gingerbread man
